These are from the second time Bailee came to my studio. ( I love repeat clients!) This boudoir session was done in studio with no “bedroom”. It is simple, yet elegant and sexy.
Bailee says…
I was super impressed with how friendly and relaxed Bailee was. We were able to knock out a bunch of different looks in such a short time. Some women worry about buying the “right” lingerie for a boudoir session. But we were able to get some great looks with a simple sweater. I really believe that sexy is an attitude, a state of mind….an expression, more than it is about clothing.
Something simple like a cute matching bra and panty work great. This set we just used some very basic poses and Bailee looked fabulous. Below she wore a cute baby doll lingerie set and a basic, but elegant white bodysuit. There were so many gems from her session. Bailee, proving that moms still got it.
Bailee posted on her wall this thought: “The intimacy of being by yourself is an intimacy that many cannot grasp. How your energy isn’t affected by anyone else’s. The silence. Being exactly who you are. The you when no one is looking. I realize how much I actually love myself and how I’m one of my own best friends”
I believe that a boudoir session is an important way to give yourself self love.